
My father worked in emergency management and raised me with preparedness in mind.

I remember at a young age, randomly being asked what is the hurricane evacuation route from home? What is it from school? What route is Dad and Mom going if they can't get you?

Where is the family going if an emergency happens?

Later on in life I came to realize that this level of focus on emergency preparedness wasn't a common aspect of childhood or life for that matter.

This is why I made the situational awareness kit. A simple easy to use tool that is there when you need it, to provide potentially life saving information.

Your not just purchasing a product,

You are investing in the future of information and technology to keep people safe.

  • No subscription.

    Subscription services are almost always set up in the hopes that the customer forgets. We disagree with this strategy. When you buy the rights to something: you own it.

  • Works offline.

    The internet is incredible, although it is only incredible when it works. Often in times of disaster or emergency there is no internet connection or cell service. That's why this resource always works offline.

  • Updates free of cost.

    The world is constantly changing, things come and go. That's why we provide free updates periodically to ensure that your life saving information is up to date.

Based on your needs.